Category «Students»
2020 Massachusetts Personal Finance Challenge
ACE Leadership Program Application Deadline Extended to May 22

From our friends at the MSCPA: Due to the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the fact that schools are currently closed, we are extending the deadline for our ACE program to Friday, May 22.We have updated the ACE application by removing the requirement to upload your letter of recommendation and high school …
Massachusetts Personal Finance Challenge

From our friends at the Bridgewater State University Center for Economic Education: The Personal Finance Challenge is a 30-question, rapid-fire exam with questions from categories on Income and Money Management, Spending and Credit, and Saving and Investing. Teams will complete the exam online between March 19 and April 3, 2020. Each student will have 35 …
MSCPA: Scholarships, Summer Programs, and Other Opportunities!

From our friends at MSCPA: MSCPA 2020 Free Summer Diversity Programs – Registration is Now Open The MSCPA offers and supports summer programming for underrepresented students to learn more about the accounting profession. These programs offer a diverse set of learning experiences that includes panel discussions, interactive exercises, field trips and guest lectures from area business …