Category «Professional Development»
FREE Business Education Webinar Series

Dear MBEA members, As previously announced, we’re excited to offer FREE webinars on Tuesday nights in May! These sessions will mimic what we hoped to provide at our in-person event in April. The sessions are offered as follows: May 3: The Evolving World of Accounting May 10: Design Thinking in Your Business Classroom May 17: Insurance Industry Opportunities …
MBEA Announces FREE May Webinars

Dear MBEA members, We regret to announce that due to the unpredictable nature of Covid, we’ve made the difficult decision to cancel the 2022 MBEA Annual Convention. We know that this is a tenuous time for educators and planning for an in-person event would be questionable. We truly appreciate what you do each day in …
MassSaves Summit: Understanding and Closing Wealth Gaps

15 OCTOBER 2021, 11:00 AM Suffolk University Law School, 120 Tremont St., Boston, MA 02108 MassSaves Financial Health and Wellness Summit is an annual event for teachers, financial educators, community practitioners and supporters from all backgrounds to network, share and learn to improve financial education. MassSaves is a broad network of public and private stakeholders …
2021 Financial Literacy Essentials for Massachusetts Teachers (FREE)

Free PD program for MA K-16 educators & pre-service teachers offered by MA Council and Fidelity Investments online Thursday August 5 The Massachusetts Council for Economic Education is proud to offer an all-new professional-development workshop for Massachusetts K-16 educators and pre-service teachers online on Thursday August 5, with follow-up PD hours available as well. This …