- Knowledge Matters
- Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher
- Next Gen Personal Finance
- EverFi
- EMC Publishing, LLC
- McGraw-Hill Education
- Massachusetts DECA
- MA Society of CPAs
- Cengage Learning & National Geographic Learning
- Eduporium
- Pearson
- MA Council on Economic Education
- MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
- Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship
Presenters: (session title links go out to presentation slides)
- Beyond Google Search: Finding Current and “Real World” Resources to Engage Your Students, Jessica Endlich Winkler
- Breaking the Fourth Wall with Social Media, Alex Lamon, Livingston High School
- Disruptive Tech: Got Talent?, David Hensley, Cincinnati Technical and Community College
- Ethical Decision-Making in Accounting and Business (article), Donna Abelli, Mount Ida College
- High School Teacher Preparation for Student College and Career Readiness Using Virtual Economics 4.5, George “Scott” Guild
- Let Your Inner Child Out in the STEM Playground, Jacqueline Prester, Mansfield High School
- Obergefell v. Hodges and the Hobby Lobby Case: Teaching Business Law and the First Amendment in Today’s Environment, Paul Sukys, North Central State College
- The Intersection of Business Education and Computer Science, Alfred Thompson, Bishop Guertin High School
- Why InVEST?, Heather Kramer, MA Association of Insurance Agents
If you weren’t able to make it, you can re-live the day’s activities through our Twitter hashtag #MBEA2017!
We look forward to seeing you next year. Save the date – April 6, 2018!