Tag «Credit For Life Fair»

Credit for Life Fair Grant Opportunity Now Open!

From our friends at the Office of Economic Empowerment: The next funding opportunity for spring semester Credit for Life Fairs is now open! Eligible schools will meet the requirement of being a Massachusetts public high school, Massachusetts charter high school, or Massachusetts public or private day or residential special education program approved by the Massachusetts …

Financial Education Innovation Fund: Deadline 12/16

From the Massachusetts State Treasury: Application Deadline: December 16 Dear Friend, Just sending you a friendly reminder that the application deadline for the Financial Education Innovation Fund is approaching. If you have an existing Financial Education Fair, you may be eligible to receive up to $2,500 in grant funding. If you are hoping to launch a new …

Needed – Credit For Life Fair Speakers

Todd Ostrowski and Ludlow High School are looking for speakers for their Credit For Life Fair being held on November 22nd. This is the second year that Ludlow has provided this valuable learning experience for their students. Please contact the Ludlow Credit for Life Fair direct at this email address: lhs_creditforlife@ludlowps.org