Tag «Jump$tart»

My Top Takeaways from #JSNEC16!

After a very long journey home from the Jump$tart National Educator Conference, I’ve had time to reflect on just how great the conference was. To wrap it up, here are my Top 5 Takeaways (in no particular order): The community! The educators at the Jump$tart conference are so supportive and encouraging of each other. Everywhere …

3rd Annual Financial Capability Conference

The RI Jump$tart Coalition and RI Council for Economic Education are holding the 3rd Annual Financial Capability Conference on December 10th at Rhode Island College. Are you interested in learning more about financial literacy? Journey with us to a brighter financial future. Teachers, social-service providers, librarians, parents and any adults who are passionate about educating others …

NextGenPF scholarship to Jump$tart National Conference!

NextGen Personal Finance is awarding scholarships, worth $425 each, for classroom teachers to attend the Jump$tart National Educator Conference in Dallas, TX on November 5-7, 2016! The scholarship covers conference admission, 2-night stay at the Intercontinental Dallas Hotel, and all conference meals.  Attendees must arrange and cover all other expenses, including transportation. NGPF scholarship will be …

Save the dates!

Mark your calendars for upcoming conferences focused on business and technology education. There are many to choose from. Plan ahead! 2016 Jump$tart National Educator Conference November 5th – 7th, 2016 Intercontinental Dallas Hotel Dallas, TX Council for Economic Education’s Financial Literacy and Economic Education Conference October 5th – 8th, 2016 Renaissance Phoenix Downtown Hotel Phoenix, AZ …