Tag «scholarship»

Jump$tart National Educator Conference Scholarships

Don’t forget! There are several scholarship opportunities for the Jump$tart National Educator Conference in Dallas on November 5th-7th. The deadlines are fast approaching. Carefully read the criteria, deadlines and conditions of the scholarships which vary and are set by the sponsoring organization. Information on each scholarship is on Jump$tart’s site, or individually: Visa (Sept.15 deadline) National Endowment for …

NextGenPF scholarship to Jump$tart National Conference!

NextGen Personal Finance is awarding scholarships, worth $425 each, for classroom teachers to attend the Jump$tart National Educator Conference in Dallas, TX on November 5-7, 2016! The scholarship covers conference admission, 2-night stay at the Intercontinental Dallas Hotel, and all conference meals.  Attendees must arrange and cover all other expenses, including transportation. NGPF scholarship will be …

CEE National Annual Conference Scholarship

The Council for Economic Education’s 55th Annual Financial Literacy and Economic Education Conference is a nationwide meeting of K–12 educators, CEE affiliates from across the country, Federal Reserve partners, and other educators in this field. The conference features a diverse selection of professional development workshops on economic and financial literacy geared for elementary, middle and …