Category «Guest Blogger»

Encouraging Students to Become Agents of Change

NBEA partially describes its Economics and Personal Finance standards as follows: “The growing emphasis on financial literacy has highlighted the need for students to learn how to navigate the financial decisions they must make and how to make informed decisions related to managing finances and budgeting, saving and investing, living independently, earning and reporting income, …

An Evolving Business Club at Mount St. Joseph High School

Although I love reading, talking, and teaching about Personal Finance, I thought it might be more interesting for business teachers to read about a high school club I have developed over the last three years. I must say the origin of creating a local chapter of a national student organization (think DECA, FBLA, BPA, etc…) …

Monetary Asset Discussion Morphs into Custodial Roth IRA Promotion

Recently, a student captured the imagination of my class. It stemmed from a comparison of Money Market Deposit Account (MMDA) and Certificate of Deposits (CD).  It was suggested that one of these accounts could be very useful for graduation gifts this spring. One of my students, Phil, asked,  “Mr. Shifrin, what would you do if …

A new way to teach financial literacy … starting in kindergarten!

FitMoney is a Massachusetts-based financial literacy profit that aims to improve youth financial knowledge and habits in school. Our free, K-12 financial literacy curriculum starts early when financial habits are being formed. Last year, more than 60 teachers used our curriculum to teach 1,500 fourth and fifth graders in Charlestown, East Bridgewater, North Andover and …