Tag «Marketing»

Marketing & Enrollments Guide

Undergraduate programs are cutting business education teacher preparation programs. Departments don’t have a supervisor with a business education background. At the same time, business is the most popular major in the country. The eastern region has some of the best institutes of higher education, along with global financial powerhouses and industry hubs from New York …

Webinar: The State of Financial Services Marketing and Financial Education

From EverFi: Join our panel discussion with Ginny Franks Vice President of Financial Education and Content Marketing at Regions and Patti Barrow Vice President of Marketing at Suncoast Credit Union for a lively discussion around their experiences with financial education programs and how it fits into their overall marketing strategy. The majority of banks and …

Create a Classroom Facebook Page to Teach Marketing

My marketing class has been doing the marketing for the Litchfield Activities Department for about 8 weeks.  We have done the majority of our work using Facebook (www.facebook.com/GoLHSDragons), Twitter (https://twitter.com/GoLHSDragons), and Instagram (golhsdragons), and I have also had students create blog entries (http://lhsdragons.weebly.com/dragons-blog) to try and teach content marketing.  The concept of content marketing through blogging is …